Welcome to the Department of Psychology

Exploring human behaviour

The Department of Psychology at Kingston University is a vibrant hub for understanding human behaviour and the mind. Through critical thinking and empirical research, we explore factors that shape experiences, shedding light on cognitive processes, emotions, and social interactions.

Psychology addresses mental health, communication, and well-being, crucial in our changing world. It plays a pivotal role in understanding human behaviour and fostering healthier communities, and our mission is to equip students to contribute to a brighter future.

Opening doors to employment

Studying psychology opens doors to a diverse range of careers. Graduates can pursue roles in clinical psychology, counselling, or therapy to help individuals navigate mental health challenges. They may opt for research positions, contributing to our understanding of human behaviour. Psychologists also find opportunities in organisational settings, enhancing workplace dynamics and employee well-being. Psychology graduates excel in fields like education, marketing, and social services, applying their insights to improve interactions and outcomes.

The versatility of a psychology degree equips graduates for meaningful roles across various sectors, making a positive impact on individuals and communities alike.

A BPS-standard learning experience

We take pride in our British Psychological Society (BPS) accreditation, a testament to our commitment to excellence in psychology education. Our rigorous curriculum aligns with BPS standards, ensuring students receive a high-quality learning experience.

With a strong research ethos, we foster a culture of inquiry and discovery, encouraging students and faculty to explore cutting-edge topics in psychology. Our investment in state-of-the-art research laboratories and equipment empowers students to engage in hands-on research, enhancing their skills and understanding.

Kingston's Department of Psychology

What's it like to study psychology at Kingston University?

Change the world: our courses

We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Psychology, which can also be combined with subjects outside the department. The teaching is research-led, wide-ranging and dynamic and consists of lectures, seminars, workshops, small group tutorials, as well as other assorted guided activities. Students can gain hands-on research experience via our volunteer researcher scheme and benefit from close links to specialist clinics and hospitals, schools, care homes and nurseries in the London area.

The teaching team is committed to providing the support you need to facilitate your transition to university life. We pride ourselves on our approachability and readiness to help and the personal tutor scheme, designed to help you from your very first week, is the embodiment of this commitment.

Undergraduate courses

The courses will give you a grounding in scientific psychology, as well as experience in the practical application of the discipline. It will also enable you to take the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist. During your studies you will acquire data analysis skills, knowledge of statistical procedures and report-writing skills.

Postgraduate courses

Our postgraduate teaching is highly rated and dynamic, encompassing closely linked applied social science fields. This enables students at Kingston University to make the most of interdisciplinary research and teaching.

A rich research culture

Our academic staff spearhead active research groups that make a significant impact. Much of their work is globally esteemed, with state-of-the-art labs and facilities continually upgraded and expanded. We explore practical questions not only within our labs but also in real-world contexts.

Postgraduate students can collaborate with world-renowned researchers in areas like child psychology, clinical and health psychology, social psychology and with the Art, Cognition/Creativity and Emotion Research Group (ACErg). Our thriving community of PhD students adds depth and vitality to these research endeavours.

Investment in research and people

The psychology department has seen significant investment in research facilities, and has appointed outstanding researchers in a wide range of fields. The laboratories offer a variety of technical equipment (eye tracking systems -Tobii and Eyelink, VR headsets, actigraphy watches, BioPac, EEG, tDCS, behavioural telemetry), software (Qualtrics, MatLab, Eprime, SuperLab), and Observation Suite facilities.

A global impact in the world's media

Staff are passionate about their work and publish in renowned international journals (e.g. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, The Journal of Experimental Psychology, Experimental Brain Research, Journal of Vision, Current Biology, Cognition, Psychopharmacology, PLoS ONE, The British Journal of Psychiatry). Many publications have achieved high national and international impact via mentions in Nature, The Sunday Times, BBC Radio 4, and Times Higher Education, among others.

A legacy of successful research funding

Over the last five years, the department has secured research funds in excess of £1m, from The Economic and Social Research Council, The Leverhulme Trust, The British Academy, The Qatar National Research Fund, The European Commission, Alcohol Research UK, The European Foundation for Alcohol Research, The Fetal Medicine Foundation, Sanofi-Pasteur, and The National Grid.

Empowering communities through research

The key beneficiaries of our research have been charities, local government, schools and social enterprises, and our goal has been to extend the reach of our research from the local community outwards. Some examples of projects can be found below:

Ethnicity and healthcare provision

Research at Kingston aims to improve the communication and uptake of health interventions among ethnic minorities. For example, Dr Tushna Vandrevala's team produced a culturally-tailored educational intervention to raise awareness of viral hepatitis and its testing and address related barriers in a manner sensitive to the needs of this group.

Bullying and cyberbullying

Kingston researchers investigate the impact of bullying and cyberbullying on adolescents and young adults. The research is led by Professor Muthanna Samara and Dr Aiman El Asam.

Improving the wellbeing of refugee children

Professor Muthanna Samara's research also addresses toxic stress and PTSD in refugee children, research that was showcased in a recent collection of reports funded by World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) and published by the British Medical Journal.

Improving pre-natal care

Professor Ana Nikcevic's research (supported by the Fetal Medicine Foundation) examined the psychological impact of screening for preterm preeclampsia (PE) and participation in the Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention (ASPRE) trial on women's experience of pregnancy.

Behavioural aspects of doping in sports

Professor Andrea Petroczi conducts research into the behavioural aspects of doping in sports in conjunction with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which has led to the development of psychometric measures and novel methodologies that have been incorporated into WADA's education policies and practice.

Arts exhibitions based on community issues

Psychology students curate pop-up exhibitions linked to problems or issues affecting the London communities. The first of such exhibitions was "Paper Boats" at Stanley Picker Gallery. (Students' supervision: Gallery staff and Dr Fatima M Felisberti).

Public engagement activities

A series of different activities are organised to engage with the community outside academia. Some examples:

  • A Sensory Walk through Self-Perception: Dr Fatima M Felisberti led a walk through a London park discussing the human sensory system in a real scenario.

Science Museum

The researchers recorded children's eye movements while manipulating different objects to learn more about how visuo-spatial abilities develop as we grow older and whether there are any strategies that lead to better performance (Dr Elisa Back and Dr Sabira Mannan).

Psychology events

If there are no department-specific events listed here, please do check for University-wide events.

Staff in the department

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Department of Psychology