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Kingston Business School Networking Event

Time: 5.00pm - 7.00pm
Venue: Kingston Business School Atrium, Kingston Hill campus, Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7LB
Price: free

Kingston Business School Networking Event

An opportunity for the Kingston Business School community (academic staff, alumni, and current students) to come together, to celebrate the beginning of the academic year, and make new connections!


17:00: Alumni & Academic networking drinks reception
17.45: Welcome & Event briefing
18:00: Student & Alumni Networking
19:00: Close

Student booking link >>
lumni booking link >>

For further information about this event:

Contact: Sarah Geard, FBSS Alumni & Business Relationships Manager


Directions to Kingston Business School Atrium, Kingston Hill campus, Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7LB:
