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CAHSCR Seminar series - Inequalities in disciplinary school exclusion for children with social care involvement

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Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Price: free
Speaker(s): Professor Rick Hood

CAHSCR Seminar series - Inequalities in disciplinary school exclusion for children with social care involvement

Inequalities in disciplinary school exclusion for children with social care involvement, by Professor Rick Hood.

Date and time: Thursday 2th May 2024, 12 - 1pm

Mode: Online via MS Teams


Children who receive social care services are known to have higher exclusion rates than those without social care involvement. However, there is limited evidence on other factors affecting the exclusion gap for this vulnerable group. This presentation will report findings from a quantitative analysis of administrative data from the National Pupil Database in England, covering two age-based cohorts of children (n=1.2m) who took standardised tests in 2019. Children receiving social care services within the previous five years were compared with those with no social care involvement, focusing on rates of exclusion within a 12 month period.


I lead on research in the department with responsibility for undertaking applied research in the field of social work and social care, developing proposals and applications for external funding, supervising doctoral students, and supporting research and scholarship within the team. I am a registered social worker with over 10 years' experience of statutory child and family social work, and teach across a range of modules in pre- and post-qualifying social work courses.

My research takes a mixed methods approach to applying systems ideas to social care, particularly services for children and families. Recently completed research funded by the Nuffield Foundation has explored the link between system conditions and welfare inequalities in children's social care, as well as analysing the social gradient of intervention using the national datasets for England. Other recent projects include a study of reunification and re-entry to care, an evidence review of decision-making and risk assessment, and an analysis of patterns of demand and provision in adult social care. I am currently leading a two-year quantitative study exploring the outcomes of children's social care services for different types of demand, funded by Nuffield Foundation. I am Co-I on a two-year Nuffield-funded study of domestic abuse in child protection (PI, Kate Morris), which uses an intersecting inequalities approach to create new understandings and responses. I am also Co-I on a four-year NIHR-funded study (PI, Robbie Duschinsky) examining what CAMHS interventions predict positive outcomes for which young people with a social worker.

I believe that research, teaching and scholarship can make a difference to people's lives. The difference I would like to make is to promote systems thinking in social care policy, management and practice, so that our services can shed their bureaucratic constraints and harness the potential offered by human relationships and capabilities.

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For further information about this event:

Contact: Nathalie Leung