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Our Practice & Methods - Equity and the Immersive Lab - Polygon by polygon

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Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Price: free

Our Practice & Methods - Equity and the Immersive Lab - Polygon by polygon

This Practice Research Showcase & Roundtable session host by the Research Through Design Group will launch The Eadweard Muybridge Immersive Lab at the Design School at KSA. The Lab for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality technologies (VR, AR and XR) will enable research into practices and applications of digital storytelling, audience participation, empathetic ethnographies, immersive experiences, immersive learning and more. Through presentations and discussions, this discursive session aims to draw out different approaches with regards to equity in relation to immersive technologies. It will focus on questions such as which bodies are represented, which places and spaces are built, who has access to these technologies, what data is captured about whom and which experiences are foregrounded in Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality? What ways of knowing can be explored when working with immersive technologies and what might some of the consequences be of research in this field to its subjects and participants?

One keynote by an external speaker and several presentations by KSA staff and MA/PGR students are followed by a discursive session that includes audience participation. The aim of the event is to establish good practice in relation to dealing in an equitable manner with immersive technologies.

The format of this (online) event is as follows; The event starts with a 15 min provocation/presentation by an "external" speaker related to the theme of the event. Each "internal" speaker is asked to select 1-3 "things" to show and talk about for 5 min in relation to practice and the theme of the event. The "things" can be anything from a material or pattern test, a failed experiment, an example of practice, a work in progress, an example of industry work, a piece of technology or tool, a film still, a brief, an archive, an object. After the presentations, there will be a roundtable conversation with all the speakers, moderated by the "external" speaker. Audience participation during this part of the events is encouraged.

Please use this link to the Research Through Design Group's web page.


Booking is essential to attend this event.

For further information about this event:

Contact: Marie Withers