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Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Speaker(s): Professor Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
Title: Growing Older, Living Well: Talking about dying with people with learning disabilities
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne has spent the past two decades researching the needs of people with learning disabilities who reach the end of life, and those who are bereaved. What are the challenges and difficulties for families, support staff, professionals and service providers? Crucially, what do people with learning disabilities themselves think about all this?
One of the big questions everyone struggled with was TALKING ABOUT DYING. Should you? Could you? How? Who? When?
In this seminar, Irene will share what she has learned about this during her years of research. This includes her most recent study, the Talking About Dying Survey. Almost 700 staff who support people with learning disabilities in the UK took part in this survey.
All Irene's research has involved people with learning disabilities as (1) participants, (2) advisers or (3) co-researchers - sometimes all three. She will also share how she has involved people with learning disabilities in her research, and what we can learn from this.
Who is it for?
Anyone working with people with learning disabilities who are reaching the end of life, or who are bereaved. This includes those working in learning disability services, healthcare services, families, managers in health and social care services, and policy makers. It is also suitable for people with learning disabilities who have good verbal understanding. The seminar will not be complicated and will include a lot of pictures, but we would recommend that they watch the seminar with a supporter who is able to discuss any issues with them afterwards. The key requirement is that you are willing to talk about dying!
Learning outcomes
Seminar participants will gain understanding of the following:
• Why talking about dying with people with learning disabilities is difficult, and what stops us from doing it
• The latest research findings: What do support staff of people with learning disabilities in the UK say about talking about dying with the people they support?
• How it affects people
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Professor Irene Tuffrey-Wijne