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Michel Foucault, The Punitive Society: Lectures 1972-1973

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Time: 11.00am - 5.30pm
Venue: John Galsworthy Building, JG4002, Penrhyn Road campus, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE
Price: free

Michel Foucault, The Punitive Society: Lectures 1972-1973

Cooper Francis (CRMEP, PhD candidate)
Text: Bernard E. Harcourt, ‘Course Context', The Punitive Society, pp. 265-300

The Civil War Model of Power
Nicolai Mariegaard (Postdoc, Aarhus University/Visiting Researcher, CRMEP)
Text: The Punitive Society, Lectures 1, 2 & 13 (pp. 1-42 & 225-247)

12.45-14.00 Break for lunch

Discussion of Rudy M. Leonelli, ‘Foucault as a Reader of Capital' (2015)
Introduction to discussion: Cooper Francis (CRMEP PhD candidate)
Texts: Pdf of English translation of Leonelli's essay provided
+ The Punitive Society, Lectures 4 & 5 (pp. 61-98)

15.15-15.30 Short break

The Limits of Foucault's Liberalism
Introduction to discussion: Éric Alliez (University of Paris-8/CRMEP, KU)
Text: E. Alliez and M. Lazzarato, Wars and Capital (2016), Chs 7 & 11.1
(pp. 137-153 & 273-282); pdf provided

17.00-18.00 Reception (same room)


For further information about this event:

Contact: Cooper Francis


Directions to John Galsworthy Building, JG4002, Penrhyn Road campus, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE:
