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Peter Osborne: Crisis as Form

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Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Venue: Chelsea Lecture Theatre, University of the Arts London, John Islip Street, London, SW1P 4JU
Price: free
Speaker(s): Peter Osborne (CRMEP)

Peter Osborne: Crisis as Form

Please join the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) for their 2016/17 research series.

The field of contemporary art since the 1960s has been characterized by both the attempted dissolution and the reflective expansion of the concept of artistic form. This is epitomized by the phrase ‘When Attitudes Become Form' (the opening of the subtitle of Harald Szeeman's exhibition, Live in Your Head, at the Kunsthalle, Berne, 1969). Recently, in the wake of the revisionist historiography of the exhibitions of that time, the motif of something ‘becoming form' has been revived and applied in new critical contexts. With regard to Moscow Conceptualism, ‘History Becomes Form ' (Groys, 2010). In art activism, we find ‘Living as Form' (Nato Thompson, 2012). More prosaically, with the artist-curator, ‘Exhibitions Become Form' (Elena Filipovic, 2013). What, if anything, delimits this expanded conception of artistic form? How today might we conceive crisis as form?


Booking is essential to attend this event.

For further information about this event:

Contact: Eric-John Russell


Directions to Chelsea Lecture Theatre, University of the Arts London, John Islip Street, London, SW1P 4JU:
