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Research seminar: Showcasing MResCP Research - The Acute physiotherapy environment; perceptions of the oldest old AND An investigation into current UK practice for screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia

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Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Venue: Room G2.12, 2nd floor, Grosvenor Wing, St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE
Price: free
Speaker(s): Laura Cook, Physiotherapist and MRes Graduate & Aeron Ginelly, Speech and Language Therapist and MRes Graduate

Research seminar: Showcasing MResCP Research - The Acute physiotherapy environment; perceptions of the oldest old AND An investigation into current UK practice for screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia

Two recent MResCP graduates will present their studies:

The Acute physiotherapy environment; perceptions of the oldest old

People over the age of 85 in hospital were observed during physiotherapy or interviewed about their experiences. Data was analysed using a grounded theory approach. Key findings highlighted the need for older people to be in control and feel safe during physiotherapy, and how the environment influenced this.

An investigation into current UK practice for screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia

Health care professionals were surveyed or interviewed about guidelines and practice in screening for dysphagia where a tracheostomy was in place. Concerns with lack of screening tools, consistent processes and multidisciplinary working were identified.

This is a lunchtime seminar so please feel free to bring your lunch with you.

If you would like to come along and find out more about this study, please RSVP to Nikita Monteiro at  by Wednesday 15 October 2014.

If you are interested in presenting a future research seminar, please contact Mary Halter.

Booking is essential to attend this event.

For further information about this event:

Contact: Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education


Directions to Room G2.12, 2nd floor, Grosvenor Wing, St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE:
