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The Death Cafe: discussion about death and dying matters

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Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Venue: Swallow Cafe, Rose Theatre, 24-26 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1HL
Price: free
Speaker(s): Dr Korina Giaxoglou

The Death Cafe: discussion about death and dying matters

You are invited to the first Death Cafe at Kingston, an informal and lively discussion about death and dying matters. The cafe is sponsored by the Kingston University alumni Opportunity Fund and will be facilitated by Dr Korina Giaxoglou, senior lecturer at Kingston University and socio-cultural linguist investigating traditional and digital practices of mourning.

Death Cafes operate as non-profit, open, respectful and confidential spaces where people can explore attitudes and perspectives to death and dying in a safe and friendly environment alongside tea and cake. Participants are not led to any conclusion, product, course of action or religious affiliation. For more information about the Death Cafe movement please visit the website. Please note that Death Cafe is not a bereavement support or grief counselling setting.

The event coincides with and supports the fifth annual Dying Matters Awareness Week (12–18 May 2014), which aims to get as many people as possible thinking, talking and acting on issues relating to the improvement of the end of life experience.

Please note that photographs and/or filming will be taken at this event

Complimentary tea and cake will be served.

For further information about this event:

Contact: Dr Korina Gixoglou


Directions to Swallow Cafe, Rose Theatre, 24-26 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1HL:
