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Catching up with... Caroline Cameron

This month we catch up with Caroline Cameron, an art psychotherapist from the Isle of Man.

Caroline CameronWhen were you at Kingston?

I studied fine art, graduating in 1988.

Why did you choose Kingston?

Two reasons: the course, and the fact it was near London, as I came from the Isle of Man and we were encouraged to go to the capital. The course allowed you to explore sculpture, print making and painting in your first year, so you didn't have to specialise, while many other courses at other institutions forced you to choose one of those right from the start. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to come there.

Sum up your memories of your time at Kingston in a few words.

An amazing experience I'll never forget.

Did you have a favourite lecturer?

The painter Gina Medcalf, who was a visiting tutor [editor's note: and became a senior lecturer at the University from 1994 to 2006]. She was an absolute inspiration and role model.

Have you been back since graduating and are you still in touch with anyone?

I haven't been back but I remember it with such fondness. I'm in touch with one other student, and I'd especially love to hear from Margaret Clark from Luton if she's reading this, after all these years.

What did you expect to do after graduating, and are you doing it?

I didn't have a clue what I'd be doing. But I'm using my degree in a really good way. I'm an art psychotherapist for the Isle of Man government, so I work with all kinds of people, from those with depression to those with eating disorders. Art psychotherapists work in all kinds of places, from prisons to hospices.

What's your greatest achievement?


What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

You'll get there. Don't worry about it. You're stronger than you think.

What last made you laugh?

I was laughing today with one of my new clients, a lovely man.

What's your ideal weekend?

Spending time with my husband, and then going to my studio, which is half an hour away from my home in an old farm building. It's a very special place.

You're going to be stranded on a desert island:

Who would you take with you any why? My friend Krista from the studio. She's really good company, and very practical too, so she'd know how to make things.
Which painting would you take and why? I'd take an image of 'the point of light' (there are many different ones available) as I often meditate using that.
Which food would you take and why? My favourite dinner, which is Quorn sausages fried with butter beans and onions. I've just had it tonight! It might sound horrible, but it's delicious.
Which movie and why? Kung Fu Panda. It's light hearted, but quite deep too.

Donor box

Caroline's reason for donating: I have a tremendous affection for Kingston, and I feel it is so important for people to have the opportunity to study. As I've got older, I've realised just how important studying is, so I want to help others to do so. For me, going to Kingston was an amazing experience which I'll never forget. I'm so glad I had the opportunity.

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