Adapted and accessible accommodation for students with additional needs

Here at Kingston, you will find accessible and adapted bedrooms for students with disabilities, across five of our halls of residence. Wherever possible, we will further adapt accommodation to meet individual needs. Please let us know of any special accommodation requirements you may have, as soon as possible, so that we can prepare your room before you arrive. We're committed to helping you feel supported and safe during your time living in halls.

We are here to help

Students with disabilities are given priority for a place in halls wherever available, if they could not otherwise attend the University.

If you have specific accommodation requirements, please contact our disability advisers to discuss your requirements. It is important to give as much information as possible so that the adviser can make the most appropriate recommendations for a room best suited to your needs. You will be asked to provide medical evidence to support your application for an adapted room.

My room in halls had disabled access. The doors in my flat were adapted to automatic doors with push buttons, which was very useful for me as I am a wheelchair user.

The bathroom was a wet-room with a shower chair and handrails beside the toilet. The kitchen was spacious too.

Due to my disability, I was unable to rent privately. Living in halls meant that I could go university and easily access the campus.

The disability and accommodation team have been great. I am thankful to the staff at Clayhill for their support over the years.

Osayuki Igbinoba, Pharmacy student

What is available?

Deaf adapted rooms

Visually-impaired-adapted rooms

Wheelchair-accessible rooms

Additional adaptations

Free accessible intersite bus service


Live-in support

Service or assistance animals

Personal assistants and carers


Any questions?

Please get in touch if you have any queries for the accommodation team at Kingston University.