River House

In a picturesque position overlooking the Thames and opposite the grounds of Hampton Court Palace, River House is dedicated to art and design studies. The building's riverside location on the edge of the town centre is only a few minutes' walk from the Penrhyn Road campus and Kingston School of Art, Knights Park.

Directions to River House

53–57 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ






Accessibility information

Kingston University provides a supportive, accessible and empowering environment for all students, staff and visitors. The campus is made up of one building with a ramped entrance on the ground floor. There is lift access, as well as accessible parking for Blue Badge holders.

You can see detailed accessibility guides for all our sites on the AccessAble website.

River House location

Icon Title
Campus Campus
Halls of residence Halls of residence
Other University building Other University building
Train station Train station
Bus station Bus station
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