Archived: Academic Quality and Standards Handbook 2023/24

The Academic Quality and Standards Handbook (AQSH) for 2023/24 consists of 15 sections, including an introduction, which detail the University's principles and procedures for approving, monitoring and reviewing its courses, programmes and partnerships. It is anticipated that the AQSH will be of most benefit to those members of staff with day-to-day involvement in the University's quality assurance and enhancement procedures.

If you have queries regarding the Academic Quality and Standards Handbook, please get in touch with the Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) team.

Some documents for 2023/24 are currently awaiting approval. If there is a missing document that you require, or have any queries regarding the Academic Quality and Standards Handbook, please contact the Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) team.

AQSH content 2023/24

Introduction: Guidance notes

Section A: Academic portfolio changes

Section B: Managing Higher Education provision with others

Section C: Validation of new courses

Section D: Kingston continuous enhancement process (KCEP+)

Section E: Internal quality audit

Section F: Annual monitoring and enhancement

Section G: Changes to courses, modules and academic regulations

Section H: Accreditation processes

Section I: External examiners

Section J: Professional, statutory and regulatory body accreditation or recognition (PSRB)

Section K: External requirements

Section L: Student voice

Section M: Research degrees (covers Masters by Research, MPhil and PhD)

Section N: Student mobility

Contact the Quality Assurance and Enhancement team

Please send an email to if you have questions about the AQS Handbook or need access to a particular form.