Safeguarding – it's everyone's responsibility

  • If you need immediate support please contact the Mental Health Support Line on tel: 0800 028 8000 or the Samaritans on tel: 116 123.
  • In an emergency call 999 or go to your local A&E/police station.

Kingston University is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all students, staff, and visitors and aware of its legal duties to safeguard children, young people, and adults at risk. The University will ensure provision of a safe environment beneficial to work, study and the enjoyment of a positive experience for all members of its community.

We believe that safeguarding and child protection is everyone's responsibility and concern. Students, staff and visitors have a duty to be alert to possible risks and signs of abuse and act upon this.

Kingston University's Safeguarding Policy can be found under policies and regulations.

Are you concerned for a child or an over-18 adult at risk?

If you have a concern about any member of the University community, you must report this. It is your responsibility to report all concerns, no matter how small you think they might be. The Safeguarding Manager will determine what action(s) will be taken.

What is safeguarding?

Types of abuse and how to spot the signs

What to do if you have concerns

Urgent or out of hours safeguarding concern

Less urgent safeguarding concerns

Who to contact about safeguarding

Keeping apprentices safe

At Kingston University, we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our students very seriously. This also extends to our students who have chosen to study at the University as part of an apprenticeship programme.

For more information, please download the Safeguarding – Keeping Apprentices Safe leaflet (PDF).