As one of the most active and rapidly developing areas of research in the University, researchers in computing are supported with state-of-the-art computing laboratories, fully equipped with fold flat LCD screens, data projection systems and high-spec processors.
High-end hardware and software includes tools such as Linux,, Dreamweaver, Flash 8, Eclipse, Java 2 Standard and Mobile Editions, tools for Motorola and Nokia phones, UML and CASE tools and NXP Processors Development Kits; Digital Signal Processors (dsPIC Digital Signal Controllers); and a mix of wireless LAN technologies.
Researchers in engineering have access to a range of spacious and well-equipped laboratories. Facilities include a rapid prototyping machine, large-scale wind tunnels that enable testing in winds of up to 90 miles per hour, dedicated engine-testing facilities and a merlin flight simulator.
Laboratories are equipped with industry-standard engineering test and experimental facilities including metrology, fatigue and materials testing equipment, robotics, rapid prototyping and quality control machines. Also available are a hangar workshop and maintenance facilities, a fixed-base aircraft maintenance simulator and modern gas turbine and turbo prop engines.
With considerable research expertise in sustainable construction methods, the University has extensive materials and structures facility for concrete, masonry, steel and timber. With growing expertise in geoengineering, researchers have access to geotechnics and hydraulics testing facilities and extensive surveying equipment, including satellite global-positioning systems.
KUeggs is a vibrant research and consultancy service group based at Kingston University, which draws on the expertise of academic staff and associates from the School of Geology, Geography and Environment. Specialist facilities and equipment available through KUeggs include:
A range of other services is also available.
Researchers in the Centre for Earth and Environmental Science Research benefit from two laboratories dedicated to palaeoecology:
The Centre holds extensive pollen and seed reference collections for the flora of north-western Europe and a pollen collection from West Africa. Cold store facilities and range of modern equipment for field work (e.g. coring devices, Leica ScanStation) are also available. See also facilities available through KUeggs.